Sunday, April 15, 2007

Our Second Writing Exercise

I so much enjoyed reading all of your responses to my first writing exercise that I've decided to post another. This one's rather simple. You just write finish the statement with the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn't have to make sense. And it doesn't have to be about something you're feeling at this moment. I'm going to share what I wrote this morning, and obviously I can't be feeling all of this right now. So ... pick one or all six and have fun!

I feel as disturbed (peaceful, expectant, enraged, jubilant, restless) as ...

I feel as disturbed as a black hole, silent in the vastness of space, ready or not to crush all life.

I feel as peaceful as a child on Grandma's lap, after a hot bath and warm milk.

I feel as expectant as a child before the Fourth of July parade, candy bucket empty and waiting.

I feel as enraged as a lioness, separated from a sick cub that she can still smell.

I feel as jubilant as a butterfly, riding the air currents, the inevitability of winter unknown--or forgotten.

I feel as restless as an arrhythmia--pause and start, lurch and jolt--always one step ahead or behind.


Katie said...

I feel as disturbed as the latest unsub from "Criminal Minds".

I feel as peaceful as the breeze on the beach on a calm, warm, summer day.

I feel as expectant as a 4 year old on Christmas morning.

I feel as enraged as a millionaire who finds his safe is now empty.

I feel as jubilant as a new graduate who just landed a 6 figure job.

I feel as restless as my legs in the middle of the night (and believe me, that's restless!!!)

I feel proud to be your sister!!

Mary Brown said...

I feel as peaceful as wind softly dancing through the willow tree.

I feel as expectant as a puppy waiting to greet her owner at the door with her tail wagging and nose glued to the door.

I feel as jubilant as a bride leaving for her honeymoon.

I feel as restless as a worker trapped in his cubicle wishing time for move more quickly.