I feel as disturbed (peaceful, expectant, enraged, jubilant, restless) as ...
I feel as disturbed as a black hole, silent in the vastness of space, ready or not to crush all life.
I feel as peaceful as a child on Grandma's lap, after a hot bath and warm milk.
I feel as expectant as a child before the Fourth of July parade, candy bucket empty and waiting.
I feel as enraged as a lioness, separated from a sick cub that she can still smell.
I feel as jubilant as a butterfly, riding the air currents, the inevitability of winter unknown--or forgotten.
I feel as restless as an arrhythmia--pause and start, lurch and jolt--always one step ahead or behind.
I feel as disturbed as the latest unsub from "Criminal Minds".
I feel as peaceful as the breeze on the beach on a calm, warm, summer day.
I feel as expectant as a 4 year old on Christmas morning.
I feel as enraged as a millionaire who finds his safe is now empty.
I feel as jubilant as a new graduate who just landed a 6 figure job.
I feel as restless as my legs in the middle of the night (and believe me, that's restless!!!)
I feel proud to be your sister!!
I feel as peaceful as wind softly dancing through the willow tree.
I feel as expectant as a puppy waiting to greet her owner at the door with her tail wagging and nose glued to the door.
I feel as jubilant as a bride leaving for her honeymoon.
I feel as restless as a worker trapped in his cubicle wishing time for move more quickly.
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