Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Time Flies

I told my mom this morning that I'm not sure why I thought I could keep up my blog since I can barely keep my head up!

Mark was in the hospital last Tuesday for liver pain, then back in again in the evening when his heart went into SVT. After that, he had a couple of days of mostly just sleeping, then a couple of days of being able to be up and around the house, even to the mailbox at the end of the drive a time or two. Then he started going downhill again. He started vomiting Monday morning and I took him in when he couldn't keep down fluids or his meds. Well, three days later ... he's still there. They started him back onto solid foods today, and it seems to be going okay, but he can't come home until they're sure that he can take (and keep down!) his meds orally.

Me? Well, I'm doing transcription, as I mentioned, and REALLY loving it. The subject matter is very interesting to me, and it's a double bonus that I get to sit and eavesdrop on people's speech patterns for future fiction writing. (Writing dialogue is an art--and not an easy one to master!) I also had a 1 1/2 hour training with the Sweeney's. I officially start working with Country Heritage Farms on Friday. And I got the word that I was officially hired on with PAX so I should get the training material for that by week's end. So ... no lack of things to keep me busy over here!

That said ... I need to go brain dead for a bit before I try to sleep. Maybe I can find something mindless to download and listen to off the Internet while I do a bit of cross stitching. I find that to be SO therapeutic. We wouldn't need anti-anxiety meds if therapist across the country would just give patients a blank canvas, a needle, a pile of floss, and some nice classical music ... (If only it were that easy, eh? But ... it certainly helps!)

Adios--until next time I surface for air! (No promises on when THAT will be, however!)

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