Friday, June 1, 2007

And So It Goes

Brendan was much better today. He got to go to school and to his little graduation this evening. But then Mark's pain kicked in. Brendan just couldn't handle being left alone. I have left him, sobbing, before, but I knew it wasn't going to happen tonight--at least not with just Kaitlyn to take care of him. So I took him with me. I brought pillows and a blanket, and he mostly just slept on the low, wide windowsill next to the table where I sat working on my poetry class.

We got home about 1:00 to find Alex asleep in the living room--and three separate puddles of vomit around both the upstairs and the downstairs. All I can say is ... ugh.


Unknown said...

Bleah! You poor thing.

My oldest has migraines so we are very familiar w/the stuff on your steps.

I cannot even tell you how long it took us to get him to do his thing in a bucket. For a long time, he would do it right where he was, regardless.

What I wouldn't give to have a talk with myself back in those days.

Jenn said...

Hi, Chris. Just out of curiosity, what would you say to yourself if you could go back to "those days"?

Unknown said...

I would tell myself that it will get a little better.

I would tell myself to find someone, a girlfriend, anyone and get out of the house once in a while. And don't feel guilty about leaving the kids home w/your husband once in a while.

I would tell myself that you cannot fix this, aspiemom, even though you think you can. I wouldn't listen, but I would try.

I would tell myself to continue to shoe the hurler in question to use a special bucket and that one day it will click. I promise.

I would tell myself to search out for friends, yesterday and keep in regular contact. They will bring you sanity.

I would also tell myself, because of my faith, that God still loves you, that He really will give you strength.

Finally, I would tell myself to continue to look for the tiniest miracles. Find them and thank God for them, because they will keep you going.

These are things I would tell me because I was a train wreck.

Unknown said...

Shoe the hurler. ROFL

SHOW the hurler his special bucket.


Jenn said...

Sounds like good advice, Chris! I must say, though, that if I COULD shoe my son, I would! Then we wouldn't have the Daily Shoe Drama every morning! (Although really ... it's the socks. He HATES the way most socks feel and it brings him unending amounts of irritation.)